PhDs supervised to completion: (18, incl. 4 VC scholarships)
- An Ethnographic Study Examining the Food and Drink Practices in Early Years Settings.
- Fatherhood/Fathering: constructions and performances in the context of early years parenting.
- The Impact of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum on Early Childhood Educators: neo-liberal subjects?
- Practitioners’ Perspectives on Young Children’s Ethnic Identity Constructions and the Implications for Early Childhood Practice.
- The Professional Identities of Private Sector Nursery Managers.
- From ‘Nobody to Somebody’: a sociological investigation of Gujarati women learning English in the UK.
- Boys’ Disruptive Behaviour at School. Are we doing enough? An investigation into the exclusion of boys from school.
- A Study to Investigate Black Ugandan British Parents’ Support for their Children’s Learning.
- Female Bengali learners: intersections of age, gender and ethnicity in ESOL classrooms.
- A Study into Identity Formation: troubling stories of adults taming mathematics
- Highly Qualified Migrants: be(com)ing teachers from outside the UK.
- Diffractive Readings of Becoming Early Childhood Teachers.
- Researching for Children under Three: care as a children’s issue in early childhood education policy and practice
- Triple disadvantage: when othered students, study an othered course at an othered university – working-class, mature students’ discursive accounts of life on (and beyond) a two-year undergraduate Law degree,
- Aesthetic Explorations with recycled materials: Concepts, ideas and phenomena that matter.
- Knots of knowing-in-playing. Stories from violin lessons read diffractively through agential realism
- Gendered forces at work: tentacular encounters from the nursery
- Critical Reflection in Early Childhood Teacher Education
- The Contribution of Early Years Teachers to Leading Practice with Babies
Currently supervising:
- Using Photographic Methods to Reimagine Transitions in Early Childhood Education
- Mentoring in Higher Education
- Gender in Children’s Picture Books.
- Posthumanist Adventures: baby steps in sand
- Examining Sexist Language of Early Childhood Teachers
- Exploring Turkish Bilingual Children’s Experiences of Pre-school
PhD examination:
- Giugni, M. (2009). Rethinking Equity in Everyday Routines in Early Childhood Curriculum, University of Melbourne. Australia.
- Kilderry, A. (2011). Teacher Decision Making in Early Childhood Education. Queensland University of Technology. Australia.
- Smith, C. (2011). Choosing More Mathematics: an exploration of participation and learner identities in Further Mathematics Network. London Metropolitan University.
- Paton, G. (2013). Governmentality & Professional, Familial Relationships: a Foucauldian study of the Dispotif of education and care for Scottish children aged one & two years. University of West of Scotland.
- Andrew, Y. (2014). The Committed Worker: class, gender and the value of childcare work. Monash University. Australia.
- Thompson, D. (2015). Caring, Dwelling, Becoming: stories of multi-age childcare. University of Victoria, Canada.
- Cumming, T. (2015). Making visible early childhood educators’ ways of negotiating complexity, Charles Sturt University, Australia.
- Lyttleton-Smith, J. (2015). Becoming Gendered Bodies: a post-human analysis of how gender is produced in an early childhood classroom. Cardiff University.
- Hohti, R. (2016). Classroom Matters: research with children as entanglement. Helsinki University, Finland.
- Kell, E. (2016). Shifting Identities: A mixed methods study of the experiences of teachers who are also parents. Middlesex University.
- Fairchild, N. (2017). Earthworm disturbances: the reimagining of relations in Early Childhood Education and Care. Chichester University, UK.
- Hargraves, V. (2017). Rhythmic Affectensities Becoming-New: An Ethics of Expression for Early Childhood Education. University of Auckland, NZ.
- Anastasiou, T. (2018). Textures of Food: diffracting eating relationships in an early years setting. Manchester Metropolitan University.
- Rojas-Bustos, K.L. (2018). A Critical Analysis of the Every Child a Talker Language Programme and its possible influence on the formation of dispositions towards language/s in early years in England. University of London, Goldsmiths College.
- Draper, B. (2019). Quality in Early Childhood Education. UCLAN.
- Tin, T.L. (2019). Becoming a preschooler: A study of children’s relations with their teachers, peers and objects and the implications these relationships have in terms of becoming a “preschool student”. Education University of Hong Kong.
- Smith, C. (2019). Illustrating Career Stories Lived by Early Childhood Professionals. University of Sheffield.
- Thompson R, D. (2019). Teaching intra-active comprehension with a picturebook in a grade three South African classroom. University of Cape Town, South Africa.
- Prioletta. J. (2020) An exploration of the gap between provincially mandated play pedagogy in Early Childhood Education, a program and policy which do not attend to social difference and social inequality, and empirically observed gendered hierarchies and performances in play in two Toronto kindergarten classes. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/Social Justice Education, and Women and Gender Studies. Canada.
- Hennessy, L. (2020). Rethinking Place: a post-human cartographic exploration of urban Early Childhood Education in Melbourne city. Monash University, Australia.
- Timperley, V. (2021). Making gender trouble: a creative and participatory research project with neurodiverse teen gamers, Cardiff University.
- Vackova, P. (2021). Artmaking and Educational justice: a Feminist new materialist study of social inclusion and exclusion in and around artmaking in early years settings working with historically excluded groups in the Czech Republic, Open University.
- Yates, E. (2021). Creativity, knowledge production and agency in early childhood: A diffractional, post qualitative inquiry, University of Derby.
- Schofield, L (2021). Ecologies of Touch, Manchester Metropolitan University.
- Tran, C (2022). Weathering With Climate in The Anthropocene: Framing East/West Theoretical Entanglements, Swimburne University of Technology, Australia.
- McCormack, M. (2022). Exploring the Enactment of Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood Education through a Theory/Practice Lens. University of Sheffield.
- Andersen, P. (2022). Care & Gender: A Time Worn Narrative? Perceptions Of Carework in The Scottish Out of School Care Workforce, University of Glasgow.
- Mallett, R. (2024) How do concepts of gender materialise within the Early Childhood Education and Care environment? Open University.